Watch Your Language: Intestate
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice (“Freewill” by Rush). Estate planning is based on a single choice: will you
If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice (“Freewill” by Rush). Estate planning is based on a single choice: will you
There are several responsibilities that come along with being a personal representative in Northwest Iowa, and there are personal qualities which may make one person a better choice than others. For example, a good personal representative will have a sense of fairness and will be able to remain impartial when it comes to following the decedent’s instructions. [Read More]
Welcome to our fifth and final part of our 101 Death Hacks. Keeping it Current Update your fiduciaries’ contact information every time their information changes
Life is full of transitions, and the end of someone’s life can be the most significant transition of all. Amidst the emotional challenges that come with laying a loved one to rest, it can be intimidating to discover that you’ve been designated as the executor of your loved one’s estate. Then you find out you are a fiduciary and the heavy responsibility that imposes, and suddenly you’re feeling like a fish out of water. [Read More]
It is a great idea to hire a probate lawyer before you actually “need” his or her services so things can go as smoothly as possible when it comes to taking an estate through the probate process. Unfortunately, that’s not always how it works. Oftentimes, a person isn’t even aware of what a probate lawyer in Northwest Iowa does until he or she is in need of one. It’s very common to go looking for a probate lawyer in Northwest Iowa once a loved one has passed and help is needed immediately. [Read More]
There is a certain amount of responsibility that goes along with wills or trust administration in Iowa. For this reason, it is vital to choose someone very trustworthy to take on this important role. While some individuals will likely see it as an honor to be chosen, it can also be quite a burden, so it is highly recommended that the potential trustee be contacted in advance and asked if he or she is willing and able to take on the role.[Read More]
When working on your estate plan, there are certain things you probably already have in mind. However, many people completely overlook the fact that the estate itself will have operating costs associated with it, and these need to be planned for as well. [Read More]
The person whom Northwest Iowa trust and estates attorneys have long referred to as the “executor” when managing your estate also has an alternative name. Known as the “personal representative”, this person is appointed by either the person doing the estate planning or by the courts when there was no one named in a will. The personal representative has a very big job of finishing up the decedent’s business, such as taking care of taxes and keeping the bills paid; not to mention the much more commonly recognized job of making sure the decedent’s wishes are followed when it comes to distributing assets. [Read More]
Receiving an inheritance is both an honor and a responsibility, and Northwest Iowa probate and trust administration lawyers constantly see individuals who are just not ready to take that on appropriately. The temptation to simply spend away an inheritance as “bonus” money can be strong, but there are a whole lot of very practical means by which to manage the funds for your own future. [Read More]