4 Social Security Steps after Someone Dies
When a loved one passes away, there are usually various arrangements that need to be made. One of the tasks to oversee will involve reporting the death to the Social Security Administration.
When a loved one passes away, there are usually various arrangements that need to be made. One of the tasks to oversee will involve reporting the death to the Social Security Administration.
A trustee is a manager of assets in a trust. The grantor creates the trust and appoints the trustee. A trustee has a ‘fiduciary duty’ to serve the grantor and not benefit personally.
The list of things you need to do after someone dies can seem endless, especially during a time when you are also grieving.
My aunt recently asked me to be the executor of her will when she dies. I’m flattered that she asked, but I’m not sure what exactly the job entails.
Probate and trust administration are not the same. There are important differences and similarities between administering a decedent’s probate estate and administering a decedent’s trust estate.
More and more often, estate beneficiaries are retaining their own attorneys to make sure that the executor properly administers the estate.
When a family member or other loved one dies, the natural response is to feel overwhelmed. However, there are some very practical and legal matters that need to be attended to ‘immediately, if not sooner.’
If your will was signed before 2013 and you have a so-called by-pass estate tax saving trust that is no longer necessary, you really should update and simplify your will.
Geckos are amazing and resilient creatures. They can climb up vertical surfaces. Some geckos can fly. If you cut off a gecko’s tail, they’ll grow it back. These five tips for making an estate or trust administration go smoothly create the acronym ‘GECKO’. So, keeping the amazing lizard in mind, read on for some helpful advice on how to ease the process of estate or trust administration. [Read More]
The most common question I get asked in our Mutual Interview is, “What’s the difference between a will and a trust?” The answer is based on the way each gets treated while you’re living and after you die. Whether you choose one or the other depends on your goals for your plan. [Read More]