Orange City Estate Planning Blog


New Burial Rules at Arlington National Cemetery

Army officials expect to unveil their final rule changes for burial eligibility at Arlington National Cemetery sometime this fall, after they finish sorting through significant public feedback on plans to restrict which veterans can choose the site as their final resting place.

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stimulus check

A 40 Year Social Security Scam Finally Ends

In February, Social Security officials calculated that a woman who was sent monthly checks for decades was 114 years old. The problem? The lifelong New Yorker died more than 40 years ago—and may never have seen a penny of her retirement checks totaling nearly a half-million dollars.

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Our Core Values: Integrity

Integrity means doing what is right, even when no one is watching. It’s being the same person publicly, privately, and personally. It means aligning what

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Trust Me. I’m a Lawyer.

Lawyers are among the most reviled service professionals in American culture. We’re so disliked that even lawyers don’t have a lot of friends who are

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The Planning Effect

Sitting bedside with her husband after his stroke, Jane is talking with the discharge planner for the local hospital. After discussing the level of care John will need, Jane and the planner have decided that the nursing home connected with the hospital is the only viable option for John’s needs. Now Jane needs to visit the nursing home and figure out how she will pay for John’s care. [Read More]

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Estate Planning Includes Creating Your Legacy

One of the most overlooked aspects of estate planning is the opportunity to create your legacy. Believe it or not, creating a legacy isn’t all about having Northwest Iowa libraries and hospitals named after you. Instead, there are some more cost-efficient, yet great ways that you can help your family remember your values and beliefs. [Read More]

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I Digress: What is a “Money Story”?

I attended a conference in July of this year where I had the chance to listen to an unscripted conversation between a counselor and a married couple. Their conversation was focused around what the counselor called the couple’s “money story.” But what is a money story? [Read More]

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I Digress: Lawyers on the Silver Screen, Redux

We had some great feedback from our Facebook friends about their favorite lawyer movies! Some of you have very eclectic taste in movies. Some of you watch too many movies (you know who you are). Below are some more great lawyer movies that you shared with us across a wide range of genres. Keep the hits coming! [Read More]

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