Lawyers are among the most reviled service professionals in American culture. We’re so disliked that even lawyers don’t have a lot of friends who are lawyers. I mean, who doesn’t love a good lawyer joke?

Q: What’s the difference between a good lawyer and a bad lawyer?

A: A bad lawyer makes your case drag on for years. A good lawyer makes it last even longer.

There’s truth in humor. #amiright?

Lawyers are the Worst

But seriously. For one reason or another, the general public tends not to trust lawyers. And we’re not alone – people tend to distrust bankers and financial advisors, too.

Unscrupulous annuity salesmen have given the financial industry a black eye. In fact, the Medicaid rules and the VA’s new rules surrounding pension eligibility were created, in part, to prevent annuity salesmen from financially exploiting the elderly.

Often, this distrust of financial professionals leads people to (grudgingly) create a relationship with one banker, one financial advisor, and one lawyer.

Q: What do dinosaurs and decent lawyers have in common?

A: They’re both extinct.

They figure this team makeup is enough to cover their bases – surely someone from that group will know the answer to whatever problem comes up. Right?

That’s how it should work…

But that’s not necessarily realistic. Let’s compare your financial health to your medical health. Many of us go to the doctor once a year for a wellness checkup or physical. If the doctor notices something out of the ordinary, they refer you to some sort of specialist – radiologist, heart doctor, endocrinologist, brain surgeon, etc.

You might even have figured out something is wrong without going to the doctor. You then ask for a referral to someone with the expertise necessary to solve your specific health issue.

The same approach makes sense for your financial well being, doesn’t it? If you have a specific concern – “How will I pay for the nursing home?” – your general practice attorney should refer you to an elder law specialist rather than trying to solve the problem themselves.

Lawyer writes love letter:

“My feelings for you include, but are not limited to…”

That sounds pretty self-serving

At Huizenga Law, we don’t want to take you away from your lawyer. In fact, we would rather have you maintain your relationship with them.

Q: If you see a lawyer on a bicycle, why don’t you swerve to hit him?

A: It might be your bicycle.

We want to help you navigate the intricacies of the Medicaid and VA rules and figure out how you’re going to pay for a long-term care need. Your general practice attorney can help with your divorce, your contract dispute, and your income taxes.

Treat your financial health the way you would treat your physical health. Stay off the Path of Most Resistance, and don’t let your (justified!) distrust of financial advisors and attorneys stop you from seeking out a specialist when you have a special problem.

If your general practice attorney can’t help you figure out how to protect assets from the costs of long-term care, ask them for a referral to an elder law attorney or call us directly at (712) 737-3885.