Should I Delay Claiming Social Security?
When you begin claiming affects how much money you get from the program, and once you’re receiving checks, it’s difficult to undo your decision.
When you begin claiming affects how much money you get from the program, and once you’re receiving checks, it’s difficult to undo your decision.
It’s not uncommon for older couples to reach a point when nursing home care is needed for one spouse — and the cost isn’t something they were prepared for.
You can’t do much to slow the march of time, but there are plenty of lifestyle changes you can make to show your joints a little love.
A better understanding of dementia will help you (or a loved one) get the right diagnosis and treatment.
Estate Planning may not be something you necessarily WANT to think about, but it could protect your interests and wishes long after you are gone.
Medicare officials have decided that the federal health insurance program should only cover the controversial new Alzheimer’s drug Aduhelm for patients who are participating in approved clinical trials. The preliminary decision, reached after lengthy deliberations, was released on Tuesday by the Center for Medicare and Medicaid Services, or C.M.S. If it is finalized later this year, it would significantly limit the number of patients who could use the expensive drug.
Your elderly mother is getting forgetful and confused. What do you do now?
Scientists from Osaka City University are reporting successful preclinical tests of a novel nasal spray designed to prevent the neurodegeneration associated with dementia. The spray combines two inexpensive, pre-existing drugs and was found to improve cognitive function in several different mouse models of dementia.
Despite its prevalence, dementia remains widely misunderstood. Ignorance of the range of symptoms is a crucial stumbling block.
Advice for adult children, so their parents in nursing homes and assisted living are safe from scammers.