Elder Financial Abuse Can Be Prevented
Advice for adult children, so their parents in nursing homes and assisted living are safe from scammers.
Advice for adult children, so their parents in nursing homes and assisted living are safe from scammers.
Life estates can provide effective means to create joint ownership of property, avoid probate and transfer property after death without incurring gift taxes.
A will allows you to distribute your worldly goods, select a guardian for minor children and name an executor to carry out your wishes.
Non-probate assets are those assets which do not go into an estate when the owner dies.
Both help you pass down assets, while avoiding the time and expense of probate. However, one has much more flexibility than the other.
If you’ve ever spent time working through your estate plan, you know how important it is to select and update your beneficiaries.
Selecting medical powers of attorney is an important step that aging parents should take to ensure they get the care they wan,t if they are unable to advocate for themselves.
There are many ways to pass property on to children, including gifting the family home to them while you are still alive, bequeathing it to the children upon your passing, or selling the residence to your heirs.
Life insurance is a sophisticated financial product, with as many variations and permutations as there are creative insurance companies (there are many) and creative insurance planners (there are even more).
However, in a world where more and more of our personal information is stored online, it’s also imperative to make a digital estate plan, so your loved ones can access your digital property.
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