If you’re like me, there are little lies you tell yourself to make life “easier.” These paths of resistance are the things that stand in the way of real, positive change.
I could never run a half marathon. That’s too hard.
My fingers are too short to play the guitar.
I don’t know where to go for help with my estate plan.
Calories between Christmas and New Year don’t actually count.
But none of that is true (except that last one – amiright?). It’s the story we’ve invented to stop ourselves from confronting a difficult or emotional situation.
It may seem easier to put off the challenging task or emotional issue, but often that comes back to bite us. That’s why we call it the Path of Most Resistance. It’s the path where you’ve convinced yourself it’s too hard. Or you don’t have the time or the money. Or the rules don’t or shouldn’t apply to your situation.
Or maybe you just haven’t made it a priority.
My law business coach has a saying about priorities. He says: “Sometimes, life lifes you.” Which is just shorthand for, “Not everything is in your control.” Today, your priorities are chasing your kids to basketball, volleyball, band, piano lessons, dance team, and church youth group.
Tomorrow you could be caring for an elderly parent in a medical crisis.
And the rules always apply
Here’s another great quote: “A plan is just a baseline for change. It’s the first casualty upon contact with the enemy.” My father-in-law, a military man at heart, says that all the time. What he means is: you make a plan so that, when a crisis happens, you have a framework in place to handle it.
Without a plan, certain rules will always apply. Only two people can appoint someone to make decisions for you: yourself and a court. If you want to be on Medicaid, there are resource and income limits that you have to meet. And the ultimate rule: in the end, you can’t take it with you.
But with a plan, you might be able use those rules to your – or your family’s – advantage.
From time to time I’ll be circling back to this idea of the Path of Most Resistance. We’ll talk about the myths you may have invented to stop yourself from planning for a future care need or your death. But most importantly, we’ll help you find ways to overcome those myths, make a plan, and get off the Path of Most Resistance.
Or, you can overcome that resistance yourself and call us at (712) 737-3885 to get started with our LegacyGuard Process today.