Picture this: the family farm that has stood the test of time. It’s where Grandma once milked the cows each morning and Grandpa faithfully plowed the fields under the Iowa sun. It’s a place rich with memories, tradition, and it’s a legacy you wish to pass down through generations. At Huizenga Law Firm, P.C., we understand how important it is for this cherished land to remain in your family, acting as a touchstone for generations to come.
Unfortunately, many families are unaware that the escalating costs of long-term care can jeopardize this dream. In Iowa, annual costs for private room nursing care can exceed $100,000, a sum that could force the sale of the family farm.
But it doesn’t have to be this way. With effective estate planning and understanding Iowa-specific Medicaid policies, we can help protect your family farm from becoming a casualty of unforeseen healthcare costs. It’s our mission at Huizenga Law Firm to keep your legacy secure.
Don’t let the legacy of your family farm be at risk due to long-term care costs. For help understanding Medicaid expansion and applying for Medicaid benefits, contact Huizenga Law Firm, P.C., today at 712-737-3885. Let’s ensure that the generations to come can return to the very farm where you ran barefoot through the soil and picked wild blackberries. Visit us at https://www.huizengalaw.com/.